Where there is great love, expect miracles.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

*We're Expecting...*

......to move to Boise in a month!
Ha. Got ya.
(Gimme a break..we need at least a YEAR of marriage under our belt)
Life has taken a turn of events for the Millers.
I got accepted to a dental hygiene school in Boise.
After many days and nights spent on our knees..
we have decided that it's the right thing to do.
I love the way my boss put it.
"It's about time things fall into place for you. The past 2 years of your life have been one big question mark."
The ???"s are now !!!'s.
Yes, our hearts are heavy for those we leave behind in Utah.
Heather is finally home..
Cousin Amy moved into my parents house..
Rachel just decided to move back to Utah for grad school..
Michelle is having her 2nd baby..
Kristen starts BYU..
Jeff comes home in a few months..
My little brothers are my best friends..
I go hang out with my mom almost everyday..
Yes, my heart is extremely heavy at the thought of leaving.
BUT, we have renewed faith that this is where the Lord wants us.
Bon Voyage to us!


  1. Congrats! An exciting move and a new adventure to start in your life.

  2. YEAH FOR THE PROGRAM AND THE EXCEPTANCE, BOO for having to say goodbye to all the great peeps in your life. I kinda know how that feels!! Love ya and am so happy for both of you!

  3. it is about time... love you girl. Boise is closer to utah than San diego is to utah. :)

  4. Yay! I'm excited for you!! Boise is a fun place :] Good luck with the move!

  5. Hi cute Jenni Mella! I saw your blog and thought I would say hi! I'm glad things are going well for you and have fun on your new adventure! Keep in touch!

  6. Thanks everyone! Linds-convince the hubby to make the move and come to school with me!!

  7. I will miss you so much, but I'm SO excited for you! Don't forget to come over tomorrow. :) Love you girl!
    P.S. Tell James I said hi. :)
