Can I get on my soap box for a sec? I just have a few random thoughts to share.
So, I often find myself saying prayers that may go something like this. ..
"....and please make me more patient, loving, serving, talented, creative, giving, kind, intelligent, honest, blah blah blizzzah.."
Here is what ISN'T happening: I am not waking up a new person with the above mentioned qualities.
Here is what IS happening: I am becoming keenly aware of opportunities put in my path SPECIFICALLY designed to help me acquire the qualities I am fervently praying for. Imagine that.
Here is an example: *Got called to play the piano in Primary. (To put this in perspective I would rather speak in Stake Conference for the next 10 years of my life than play the piano in front of someone.)
*Thought twice before accpeting the calling.
*First time playing was an utter disaster which resulted in forgetting the left hand completely and plunking out the right hand notes with only 1 out of every 10 cords being actually played right.
*Seriously considered joining a different church or at least a different ward due to complete humiliation.
*Decided to be a little more realistic and seriously considered calling the bishop and saying "just kidding about that whole willing to play the piano in primary thing.."
*Finally stopped being so dramatic, borrowed a key board and practiced practiced practiced.
The next week, I played and guess what! Only 1 in every 10 cords were wrong and I played more songs with the left than without.
*Still totally humiliated but with a small dose of confidence.
Here is why:
I'm developing a TALENT (above mentioned word) while at the same time learning to SERVE (also an above mentioned word) my ward by magnifying my calling. Will I ever perfect the piano and be asked to play with the Mo-Tab? Chances are real slim. But I am A-Ok about that.
*Now standing on the soap box*
(Humor me those that find this post quite obvious. I have to learn things the hard way. ie: trial and error.)
Here is what I have learned regarding my former prayers:
The Lord does NOT magically go *poof* and turn us into the person we are so desperately praying to become. (Here is where you say, "No Duh.") If the Lord were to do this, he would be taking away our free agency that we have so graciously been given. That is our GIFT from God. He--being an all knowing and unconditionally loving God, hears our prayers to become more of whatever we want to become and gives a WONDERFULLY better plan than going *poof*. He will put OPPORTUNITIES in our path to mold us into the person we want to become. And the person He needs us to become. I believe that these opportunities, whatever they may be, are total tender mercies from the Lord.
From now on, my prayers will go something like this..
"...and please help me to find opportunities to help me grow and learn to become more like thee."
And that's all folks.
sometimes my prayers sound something like this... "please help me be more like jenni. amen."
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA. Don't know how I found your blog, but I did and Im happy about it! Im adding you to my list! At least that way I can kinda see you more often!
ReplyDeleteSarah, it won't let me look at your blog. Send me invite on my email. jenmella5@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteRachel- yeah right, other way around! I love you.
You are so cute. We have so much to learn in this life and we learn them little by little... but as long as we learn them that is the important thing right? I love that I get to read your blog by the way... I miss our chats at Apx!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenni! I really needed to hear this!!
ReplyDeleteGood observations for sure. However, I would really prefer the "poof." So funny about the piano playing...I would imagine you just laughed the whole way through back there on that bench! That's so funny! Props for all the practicing though!
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome and do a great job!!
ReplyDeleteOh Jenni, I'm glad you have a blog so I can read the funny things that go on in your head. I would LOVE to have your calling but I definitely need to practice more. Seriously you have an awesome calling so don't give up!