Where there is great love, expect miracles.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

*i heart my job*

My job is seriously the best.
Along with cleaning kids teeth, I get to go to elementary schools around the valley and give a 30 minute presentation on oral health. Seriously the kids are so adorable. I usually do 1st grade which the perfect age because they aren't "too cool" to learn about how to brush their teeth. Everything is exciting to them and they say the freaking funniest things.
Today for instance:
Me: "Does anyone know something else we can do besides brushing to keep our teeth clean?"
Student: "Yeah. I think it's called..slossing. Or something."

Talking about going to the dentist with "Dr. Mikey."

Learning about flossing..or slossing.

Seriously these school visits are just delightful.


  1. That would be a fun job! Lucky you! Kids do say funny things... I wish I got to hear more of it in my life.

  2. i have a confession... my dentist always gets mad at me for not slossing. But don't worry cuz I'm really trying to be better!
